Saturday, September 26, 2009

SQL Azure Object Browser

Yesterday, I did a blog post on how to alter a stored procedure. On Microsoft Azure Forum, Gaurav has suggested two very good options. Both of them are a scale down version of SSMS - but are way better than the existing support of SSMS for SQL Azure - they provide decent object browser and you don’t have to cancel the login first time you connect to the SQL Azure database...

1. Cerebrata supports Windows Azure Platform. An online demo can be found on

I am impressed with the functionality offered here

2. SQL Azure Manager by

This is a ClickOnce app and only supports table and views but you can run your TSQL here. One can use a combination of these two apps to simulate almost 75% of the SSMS support and is good enough for most of the routine stuff.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Alter Stored Procedure in SQL AZURE

Absence of object browser in SQL Azure throws many challenges. For example, how would you update a stored procedure in your SQL Azure database? The challenge is to get the source code from the cloud database.

select * from sys.objects

will only display the objects in your database and not the source code for any stored procedure or view etc.

Here is my hack to get the source code for any stored procedure.

1. SELECT * from information_schema.Routines

Will give you the list of all stored procedures. For example you want to alter the stored procedure usp_Test. Then

SELECT routine_definition from information_schema.Routines where specific_name ='usp_Test'

Now copy the contents of routine_definition – this is the source code for usp_Test. In my case this is

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Test AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here select count(*) as TotalVisits1 from visits END

3. format this code

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
select count(*) as TotalVisits1 from visits


-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
select count(*) as TotalVisits1 from visits

Update the source code as required and execute the TSQL

5. This will update your stored procedure in the cloud database.

I guess, best practice would be to mantain a local copy of your database and keep it in sync with your cloud database. That way we can run the code on our local copy and just run the script against the cloud database.

Oh! Well – we are just learning and I did not have a local copy of my test database. Again, this is not an elegent solution but it does work, so if you can recommend / find any better solution – please let us know…Thanks.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Finally, I got the SQL Service up and running. It is running of the hosted server

MyCloud Service

While working on this app, I found some interesting things. Here is a short summary

1. select * from sys.objects IS YOUR NEW OBJECT BROWSER

2. truncate table tablename will not work in SQL Azure - yes,drop and delete does work.

3. select @@servername will not work but select @@version does work

4. DO NOT TRY exec sp_help and exec sp_who – it will not work

5.Insert WILL NOT WORK if you forget to add a primary key on your table - For example

create table test
my_id int,
my_name varchar(10)
insert into test values (1,'abhi')
and you will get an error –“ Heaps can not be replicated tables. Please create a clustered index for the table.” . Just add a PK on my_id and things will work as expected

6. Migrating data from your local DB to the cloud is not easy - check out >

7. Copy connection string from your > page - this is the easiest and fastest way to connect your app with SQL Azure

Also,I will be presenting on SQL Azure in the upcoming SoCal Code Camp 2009 @ USC

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evolving Architecture – Breathing Code

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gone with the wind…

Recently, I drove almost 85 miles for an interview. When I entered into the office, I was greeted by a very enthusiastic developer. And then came the moment of truth – he walked me into a room and told me to take a hands-on programming test. OK. The test was on VB6 programming. Well, what happened next is a very funny story, but it kept me nagging that I haven’t thought about VB environment for long time…with all this .NET code around, I just forgot about my old pal VB. Yes – it’s been almost a decade for me when I wrote any code in VB. And then while talking to somebody on COM/DCOM horror stories – I was told that the official support for VB development environment is gone. I found following post on VB resource center

“The Visual Basic 6.0 IDE will be supported on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 as part of the Visual Basic 6.0 Extended Support policy until April 8, 2008… ”

Yes – VB runtime will be supported till 2019, but support for Visual Studio 6 is gone. Well, everyone using VB 6 is aware of this fact, but for me, on personnel note – it is a weird feeling...

"I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind."